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10 Fun Facts About Ancient Greeks for Kids (2024 Updated)

The ancient Greeks were fascinating people who were known for their creativity, fabulous inventions, and rich cultural traditions. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at some interesting facts about the ancient greeks, what they believed in, and so much more. 

Ancient Greeks Facts for Kids

Let’s get right into it. 

10 Interesting Facts About Ancient Greeks

1. The ancient Greeks were known for their rich literary traditions.

If you’ve ever heard of the Iliad or The Odyssey, then this fact may not come as much of a surprise to you! However, if you weren’t familiar, it is interesting to note that the ancient Greeks had a rich literary culture.

Ancient Greek Construction

Many historians have noted that the Classical era is commonly associated with Greek literature, and that the work from this period was greatly influenced by the Byzantine Empire. Some of the first recorded epics from this period were written by the poets Hesiod and Homer, while lyric poets like Sappho and Pindar began to define the lyric genre. 

2. The Greek language has the longest documented history of any language in history. 

If you’ve ever researched any topic, there’s a good chance that you’ve learned that that subject’s title or idea has some Greek origins! This is because the Greek language has existed for more than 2,500 years. It is the only living language in the present day that has the longest documented history in the world! Researchers have discovered that the oldest Greek inscriptions in the world date back to around 1450 BC. it’s also interesting to note that linguistic Greek influences are also found in languages spoken in the Balkan countries, such as Bulgaria and Albania. 

3. The ancient Greeks believed in the Olympian Gods. 

Greek mythology is endlessly fascinating to read about in today’s world because we read those stories as myths. However, back in the ancient times, Greeks believed in the twelve major gods that resided on Mount Olympus. These gods were Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Athena, Poseidon, Ares, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, and Dionysus or Hestia.

Olympian Gods

The ancient Greeks were polytheists, which meant that they believed in and worshipped multiple gods and goddesses. They also worshipped supernatural beings and believed that there was a hierarchy among the gods. 

4. The Greeks were firmly against the concept of hubris. 

Hubris was one of the concepts that the ancient Greeks were firmly against. Hubris refers to when someone has excessive pride or extreme confidence. During ancient times, hubris came in many forms, such as desecrating a dead body, and was considered to be a major crime in the city of Athens.

Ancent Greek City Structure

Even though pride itself wasn’t considered a sin, the Greeks also believed in the concept of moderation, which is why hubris was considered to be the major sin and crime that it was. In their minds, pride was not a sin until it became harmful to others. It’s also worth noting that the Greeks believed that any action done in excess was a sin, such as eating and drinking. 

5. The ancient Greeks did not have a singular religious text. 

Although the Greeks believed in the twelve primary Olympian gods and their stories, they did not have a singular religious text that served as the basis of their faith. The ways that the Greeks learned about the gods and their actions were through a series of texts. These texts were Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, Pindar’s Odes, and Hesiod’s Works and Days and Theogony. They considered these texts to be the authority on how to live their lives. 

6. Ancient Greek cuisine was based on three main ingredients. 

Ancient Greek cuisine
Image Source – Wikipedia Commons

In the modern world today, Greek cuisine is rich with flavor, texture, and an abundance of ingredients grown all over the country. However, in ancient times, Greek cuisine was characterized by its frugality, and as a result, the cuisine was founded the basis of three main ingredients. These were grapes, olives, and cereals. Their meals were simple and consisted of a minimal number of ingredients. For example, they are barley bread for breakfast with olives, dates, or figs. Research also shows that they ate a kind of pancake made from wheat flour, honey, curdled milk, and olive oil. 

7. The ancient Greeks believed in the concept of the afterlife. 

In the ancient times, the Greeks believed that there was an underworld. They believed that the spirits of the dead lived in the underworld and that most of the underworld was ruled by Hades, who was the brother of Zeus. The belief at the time was that a person’s essence separated from their body at the exact moment of death, and it traveled to the underworld. The imagery associated with the underworld meant that it was depicted as a dark place without any sunlight. 

8. The ancient Greeks performed and participated in various kinds of religious ceremonies. 

Ancient Greek Goddess

One of the most interesting things about the ancient Greeks was that they were heavily involved in performing and attending various religious ceremonies. They made various kinds of offerings to the Gods and performed rituals before weddings, and some Greeks even joined and belonged to mystery cults. Their offerings sometimes included both human and animal sacrifices, and in some cases, they performed libations, which involved pouring out a liquid like wine or honey to honor a god. 

9. Marathons originated in ancient Greece. 

Did you know that the concept of a marathon originated in ancient Greek mythology? According to the legend, Pheidippides, who was a messenger, was participating in the Battle of Marathon. During the battle, he noticed that a Persian ship was changing its course towards Athens at the same time that the Greek army was about to win the war. In order to warn the Greek army about the Persian ship, Pheidippides ran all the way to Athens without stopping to take a break. When he reached his destination, he said “we have won” and then collapsed onto the floor and died.

Check this article on Roman Mythology Gods.

10. The ancient Greeks invented yo-yos.

Greeks invented yo-yos! Although this toy feels like an invention from the 21st century, Greek pottery from 400 BCE depicts a young boy playing with a yo-yo that has the same design that it has today. 


In this article, we looked at some fun and interesting facts about ancient Greece. When researching the Greeks for this article, we learned so much more than we expected! We were pleasantly surprised to learn that Greek mythology plays such an interesting and important role in the world today, and they invented as many concepts and stories and physical objects as they have. We were particularly interested to learn that the yo-yo originated in ancient Greence as well! We hope you enjoyed reading this article.